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MTSU Bands

Frequently Asked Questions

General Frequently Asked Questions

For Band of Blue questions, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

Do I need to audition to be in a concert band?
Students wishing to participate in either Wind Ensemble or Symphonic Band must audition for placement. In the Spring Semester, we have a Campus Concert band that does not require an audition.

Do I need to be a music major to play in a concert ensemble?
No, membership in all our ensembles is open to any MTSU student.

Do I need to be a music major to get a band scholarship?
No, you do not need to be a music major to receive a band scholarship; however, there are a certain number of large ensemble requirements that must be met each semester.

How do I audition for a band scholarship?
You may audition for a band scholarship on any of the MTSU School of Music official scholarship dates. You should indicate your interest in a band scholarship to the appropriate studio professor for your instrument and complete a Band Scholarship Information Application. Scholarship audition information can be found here.

Are scholarships available for guard and majorette band members??
Band scholarships are currently limited to instrumentalists only; however, all members of the Band of Blue marching band currently receive a stipend at the end of the fall semester, which begin at $125.00.

How do I know which concert ensemble to sign up for when I register?
You should sign up for either Wind Ensemble MUEN 3120 or Symphonic Band MUEN 3110 which ever you feel best suits your playing ability. If, after your audition you are placed in a different ensemble, then you will need to complete a drop/add form to ensure you are on the correct class roster.

When are ensemble placement auditions?
Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Chamber Winds, and Orchestra auditions for the fall semester take place the first week of school and music may be picked up from the band office 1 – 2 weeks before school starts. Auditions for the Spring semester take place the last week of the Fall semester and music may be printed from the web page 1- 2 weeks prior.

How do I sign up for an audition for concert band?
Auditions sign up sheets are posted outside the band office the week prior to auditions.

What is the difference between the four concert groups within the Band Program?

  • The Wind Ensemble is the premier instrumental ensemble in the MTSU School of Music. Comprised of the finest wind, brass and percussion students from throughout the student body, membership is only offered through invitation by the Director of Bands after you have completed a placement audition.
  • The Symphonic Band has the distinction of being the band program’s top symphonic ensemble. The ensemble seeks to broaden performance and pedagogical skills through the programming of exemplary wind band literature while fostering an interest in the band as an integral part of the American musical scene. Membership is open to all MTSU students and placement is based on auditions held each semester.
  • The Chamber Winds is a highly select group of students chosen to participate in small conducted ensembles of between 8-20 players. Performing 2-3 concerts per semester, members are exposed to masterworks that are not performed often due to their differing personnel requirements. Membership is through audition only.
  • The Concert Band is our Campus band, open to all students with no audition required. The band meets once a week during the Spring semester only and is designed to allow those students who are interested in continuing their playing but who don’t have time to commit to the rigors of an audition.

When do the different bands meet each semester?

  • The Wind Ensemble rehearses on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:05 – 4:05 PM
  • The Symphonic Band rehearses on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:40 – 4:05 PM
  • The Chamber Winds rehearsals are TBD each semester
  • The Band of Blue rehearses on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:00 – 2:45 PM (Fall Semester only)
  • The Concert Band rehearses on Monday from 7:30 – 9:15 PM (Spring semester only)

Frequently Asked Questions About the Band of Blue

Who can join?
Any student at MTSU may participate in the Band of Blue! You certainly don’t have to be a music major! (The band is mostly non-music-majors) There are no auditions for wind and percussion spots, but you may be asked to play a little so we know what part or instrument to put you on. Spots for Flag, Majorette, and Dance Team are by audition only.

What does it cost?
Very little! A pair of black marching shoes. Actually, we give you money for food during our required band camp. All uniforms, transportation, hotel, meal per diem when we travel, etc. is provided. Furthermore, all members successfully completing all requirements of the class receive a stipend from the university at the end of the fall semester. Dorm students get to move in early for free!

How much time does it take once the semester begins?
Probably less than you think! Our normal rehearsal schedule is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 1:00 – 2:45 pm. On football game-days, we have a warm-up rehearsal before the game.

How do I join?
When you enroll at MTSU, tell your advisor that you want to join the Band of Blue. When you fill out your class schedule, make sure to include The Band of Blue Marching Band, MUEN-3100-001 (Call No. 10104) as one of your classes. You will receive one credit for the class, and the credit can be used as a PE substitute. You must be enrolled in the class to be a member.

When is Band Camp?
Colorguard, Majorettes, Dance Team, and Percussion sections start on the Sunday 8 days before the beginning of school, or one day prior to the entire band camp. Woodwinds and Brass begin on the Monday one week prior to the beginning of school. Band camp ends on the Sunday just prior to the beginning of school

Further questions?
Call the MTSU Band Office at 615-898-2993 or email Jennifer Stembridge at We look forward to having you as a member of the MTSU Band of Blue!

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